In December around Christmas time, a close friend sent me a text with this article. I don’t want to admit this, but I guess this is our little secret 😉 I don’t read every single article my friends send me. (I would love to, but I don’t always have the time…)
Back to my original point. I was hooked by the title. I really wondered what happened when someone secretly followed the homeless man he gave a $100 to.
The homeless man went inside a grocery store and bought a whole bunch of food. And then he took it to the park and shared with other homeless people. That’s beautiful!
Here is the full article:
Giving and Receiving Are a Part of the Same Cycle
Giving and receiving are all a part of the same cosmic energetic cycle. You can’t give without receiving. You can’t receive without giving. So the next time you give, do it with all the love in your heart. And when you receive something, then accept it wholeheartedly. Neither can exist without the other.
Open Your Heart
This homeless man is the perfect example that you can be anywhere in life, but you have the choice to open your heart. To put yourself in the shoes of someone else and empathize. To be a human being. To have emotional depth.
Don’t Judge Anyone Immediately
Never, ever judge anyone just by what you see. Take the time to get to know someone and you’d be surprised.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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