When you travel, do you take all your belongings and stuff them into your suitcase? Or consider this: When your closet fills up and you want to add new clothes, what do you do?
You don’t stuff all your belongings in your suitcase, you only take what’s important when you travel. And you absolutely give away or donate older clothes so you can make room for the new clothes.
But why don’t we do this to our emotional baggage? Imagine how much emotional baggage lies in our mind that is preventing us from reaching our true potential.
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Frees & Heals You
The first feeling when dealing with your emotional baggage, whether it is due to childhood or some intense experience, is when your release it, you feel light and free. When I let go of all the things that happened with my family after my father’s stroke, it opened me up to experience joy and happiness.
Miracles Happen
You’re neck deep in your emotional baggage, so you don’t even notice how much beauty lies inside you and around you. When you let go, all sorts of miracles will manifest in your life. I can vouch for this myself. A couple miracles are in the works for me! When they shall be finalized, I shall share!
Helps You Move Forward
Releasing your emotional baggage allows you to move forward. When you continue to feel stuck, you’re not letting yourself move forward. You remain in that cycle. Dealing with your emotional baggage helps you live a beautiful life regardless of your past. It heals you.
What are some ways you dealt with your emotional baggage so you could feel lighter and freer? Please share with me in the comments.

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