I am noticing this desire to live my life more fully this month. I do have several items on my to do list. I need to get my passport photos clicked, apply for passport and visa renewal, and complete my taxes. And so on and on. I am planning to do them this month.
Setting Deadlines is Important
I set up deadlines on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. In my mind, I keep track of the most important tasks I need to get done for the month. Then, I break them down and tackle them week by week. It helps me make steady progress.
Having deadlines is important because they hold you accountable. But when you are driven by them too much, then they can sap joy out of your daily existence.
Be Flexible and Kind to Yourself
Sometimes, life gets in the way. Or you’re not feeling up to the mark. Your body is asking for you to relax. When that happens, if it’s something that can wait for a day or two or even up to a week, then by all means complete the task another time.
This is the time to listen to your body and needs. This is the time to nourish yourself and honor your desires. Late January, I noticed this tendency in me. I didn’t want to do all the items on my list. My heart was desiring something else. I wanted to let go and relax. I made the decision to be kind and really pay attention to myself.
Do the To-Do Item on Another Day
As I mentioned earlier, be gentle with yourself. Just do what you had in mind another day. Remember just taking mindless action for no reason other than to be busy or coming from a place of fear is not the most effective. If your heart is desiring some me time, then honor it.
When you are fully nourished, you will feel inspired to act anyway.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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