“I went to dinner with a friend at Sweet Tomato’s. We were enjoying our dinner and conversing when a middle-aged man who worked there approached our table. He was pushing a cart of cookies and asked us kindly if we would like any.
I was watching my diet, so I said no. And my friend who is very health-conscious and rarely eats cookies offered to take one from him. I looked up from my plate of food, surprised at him.
This man smiled at my friend and me softly and I smiled back. I realized then he was disabled and spoke with a slight slur. Though my friend did not eat the cookie and I ended up gobbling the cookie like a cookie monster, I was touched how my friend had offered to take the cookie even though he knew he wasn’t going to eat it.
I asked him why he did it: he replied it was because this man was doing his job honestly, and living his life in a dignified manner and we should encourage that.” – Priyanka
* Posted from my earlier blog.
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