Here’s another Chicken Soup for the Soul Friday from my earlier blog.
“Recently, I was in San Francisco in the morning and very loud and unpleasant noise filled my ears. I pulled off my ear plugs to hear what the commotion was about. A young man, in his early to mid-twenties was screaming at a young woman and pushing her.
Now, when you’re in the city, there’s already enough noise and energy that most people are indifferent to people yelling. But this guy was hurling all kinds of swear words at this girl who looked to be his girlfriend.
Another lady dressed in business formal clothe started to yell at this young man to leave the girl alone and he yelled back at her to mind her own business and the entire block stopped in their tracks and pulled off their cell phone, ear plugs, or whatever else was adorning their ears.
It was amazing how no one, including myself, stopped and approached the young guy who was physically and verbally abusing this woman, but this lady actually had the guts to scream at the man to stay away from the young woman.
But it also saddened me how some men, especially that young, was treating a woman in an appalling manner. It makes me shudder to think how he behaves with women in privacy, when that’s how he’s like in public.” – Priyanka
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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