“Earlier this week, I volunteered at the TED (TEDxSanJoseCA) event held in Santana Row in San Jose. My role as volunteer was to encourage people to write down what they wanted to do before they died. Several huge black boards were set up around the event and attendees and the public came and added something to the board.
There was definitely a couple amusing ones written like ‘Before I die I want to co-star with Channing Tatum’ or ‘Before I die I want to have sex on the royal set’ (don’t ask me what this one means!). But this one stood out to me the most and the cutest. An elderly lady around seventy-ish wrote: ‘Before I die I want to find a partner.’” – Priyanka
Here’s a photo of the black boards on the right 🙂
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments!
* This blog post appeared originally on My Pure Intuition

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