Do you question your truth? Do you wonder if you’re on the right track? Are you dreaming too big? I know that feeling. Even now, when I’m finally following my bliss, that feeling returns every so often.
The difference is that I have become better at dealing with the feelings. Here are some easy ways to stop questioning your truth:
Let the Mind Chatter Fall
Your mind is logical and analytical. It’s what strategies and thinks. Contrary to what most people may think, your mind is a beautiful asset. It’s a beautiful part of your body. It’s what initiates and drives the actions of your heart’s desires.
But most of us don’t use our mind effectively. We instead drive ourselves up the wall worrying and over analyzing. Your mind will go into overdrive and that is when you’ll question your truth. Your true essence.
In this situation, don’t resist the thoughts. Accept the thoughts and don’t pay much attention to them. Let them flow in and out of your head naturally. Let the mind chatter simply fall away on its own.
Tune Into Your Body
This is a practice I have gotten into actively. Every time, I feel an icky feeling, I don’t push it away. I observe myself closely. I actually place my hand on the parts of my body where I feel that tense energy.
Sit on your bed or a yoga mat and close your eyes. Don’t judge or question yourself. Simply feel what you are feeling.
Be Honest to Yourself
You should be truthful to yourself about how you’re feeling. It’s alright to feel scared. It’s normal to feel nervous. You can still follow your truth.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.
* Photo Credit: Quantum Leap Journey

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