I go to several Meet Ups and meet many strangers at these meetings.
Meeting All Types of People
What strikes me is how some are going full speed on the journey of pursuing their dream. While others attend these meetings and gain much knowledge, I see them meeting after meeting, yet they do not take that first step.
This leads me to the important question….
Is There Ever a Perfect Time to Follow Your Dream?
If you asked me this question a few years ago, I would have answered by saying one needs to strike a balance between being practical and following your dream. I would have stated that one must always be fully prepared and have a detailed plan before embarking on one’s dream.
I Followed My Dream About Writing My Novel
But when I finally decided to write my novel Enchanted Silence, I didn’t do any meticulous research and planning. I just started. I had no idea what I was exactly doing. It was more of a feeling that rose in my heart and I followed that feeling.
Just Start and Take the First Step!
See, planning and preparation are important. I had detailed spreadsheets where I kept track of my progress while writing my novel. But all the planning and chapters completed wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t taken the first step. That perfect time never arrives, so just start NOW!
What was your experience in embarking on your dream journey? Please share with me in the comments.

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