I don’t pray as much, but I learned an interesting revelation recently. When you desire something, instead of wishing for it to happen, imagine as if it already happened.
How Do You Feel?
I closed my eyes. I just imagined something I wanted to manifest. And then I opened my eyes. I feel fabulous and beautiful. I feel immense joy.
I Want to Cry…
I want to cry tears of joy and happiness. It feels surreal to have my desire manifested.
You feel special and feel the Universe has intervened to make your desire a reality.
Feeling the Joy Causes Your Desire to Manifest Faster
When you feel your desire has already manifested in your head, then you are sending the Universe a clear signal to intervene and make it happen.
This requires letting go and releasing your mind from your desire’s manifestation. It means trusting the process. It means not constantly wondering how and when it’s going to happen.
When you keep asking for your desire to happen, it means you are coming from a place of lack. Start behaving and doing as if your desire has manifested at this very moment!
Be Relaxed and Serene
This exercise of visualizing your desire is fun and even surreal, but hold that feeling. That feeling you feel while feeling the joy of your prayer answered, keep feeling it. The more you hold that feeling, the more that desire will manifest faster and at the perfect time.
Related: Trusting and Forgiving Again After Going Through a Challenging Experience
Have you experienced the joy of the answered prayer? Please share with me in the comments.

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