In the world we live in today, it’s become a habit to compare ourselves with others all the time. This practice is dangerous because it comes from a place of fear. It means you’re thinking in lack instead of abundance.
Everyone has a different journey, so it’s only natural we will all be at varying stages as well.
Don’t Compare Yourself With Others
Instead of comparing yourself with other people’s journeys, feel happy and content about where you are right now.
I’ll give you an example. I’m just starting out my writing career. I can’t compare myself to someone who has ten years under their belt. They have a ten year head start, so obviously I will be at a different place in my journey.
Celebrate Their Successes and Use it to Fuel You
When you see someone achieving success and milestones in their life and career, celebrate that! Feel genuinely happy for them. That energy can be infectious.
Use their successes to motivate you and take it all in the right spirit. You can use them as inspiring examples.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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