It’s a question that every one thinks about. You wonder about your higher purpose in life. Is there a reason you came to this world? The answer to that question drives most of your actions and it’s also where you derive tremendous joy and happiness from.
If you’re not sure, it can also be the source of much anxiety and fear. It can be confusing if you do not know your higher purpose in life. This is why it is important to determine your purpose.
Determine Your Higher Calling
Take the time to invest time and patience into figuring out what your higher calling is. What makes you feel alive? What makes you jump up with joy? What makes you forget how much time has passed?
The answers are important because it is a huge signal to what is your higher calling. For me, it is being a creative person. I love to write and love films as well. I find I go into a different zone and feel this divine centered feeling.
Makes Life More Fulfilling
Knowing your higher calling makes life so much more exciting and fulfilling. No matter what you’re going through and are at in your life. It makes life one giant adventure.
Related: 4 Easy Things to Do When You’re in That In-Between Phase…
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