Recently, I have developed the habit to do a simple 10 minute guided meditation in the morning or before going to sleep. I mostly do them before going to sleep (in my bed ha!). I must say I sleep pretty deeply every time. On Fridays, when I don’t work, I do the meditation on my yoga mat in the morning.
I Feel Renewed and Fresh
Meditation started out to be very uncomfortable for me. I’m a go getter and my mind works lightning fast. Thoughts come and go so fast. I felt I didn’t have time to sit still and furthermore, still my mind.
After meditating daily, I actually felt the opposite. I felt rejuvenated. When I still my mind, I feel more connected to myself and in turn more grounded.
My Mind Is Clear
I could be having a great day or not, but when I meditate, my mind becomes much more clearer. My fears seem to vanish. Maybe not completely every time, but I do feel this sense of clarity. I do find that I am able to clear away the clutter and chaotic thoughts and find moments of peace and happiness in me.
Fear is Replaced with Love
My fears, doubts, and anxieties are replaced with love and faith. I begin to trust and let go more. I go with the flow.
Related: Show Your New Vibration and Receive Miracles
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

I couldn’t help, but peek at my 2014 resolutions….
A Peek at My 2014 Resolutions
The year is coming to an end and I’m sitting here in disbelief. I don’t know about you, but I honestly felt like this year flew by with the blink of an eye. It’s been an interesting year, filled with many low and highs. But I’m proud of riding through all these times and emerging wiser and stronger and hopefully keeping my positivity intact. For next year, I wanted to share my resolutions and hope to encourage you to have your own and make a commitment to actually follow through, instead of just the first week of January 😉
1) Stick with My Trainer
I got myself a trainer in late November and have been seeing instant results and am super satisfied with them. I don’t really have insecurities and am pretty comfortable in my skin, but a insecurity of mine is definitely my body. So I decided to get a trainer to help me tone and lose weight. One of the best decisions I ever made because I’m feeling WAY more confident of my body.
2) Spend More Time with My Close Friends
I’m horrible at keeping in touch with my friends. (I can see you nodding your head fervently!) I’m fortunate to have really wonderful friends who make the effort to initiate dates with them. Next year, I would like to call my friends more often and set up the dates for us to hang out, instead of my friends doing it for me all the time. By the way, even if I don’t answer on time or take a long time to get in touch, I love you with all my heart. Just thought I’d throw that out there 🙂
3) Spend More Time with My Parents
As we’re getting older, our lives are becoming busier. I used to live at home and spend more time with my parents, but now living on my own, I get by with phone calls to my parents and going home on weekends. Our parents are getting older along with us getting older, and I’d really like to spend quality time with them more next year.
4) Pamper Myself
Yes, sir, you read that right. I work way too freaking hard most of the time and am busy running around doing errands on weekends. Though I socialize and have great fun with my friends and family, I rarely take time to pamper myself. I’m a sucker for massages and manicures and pedicures. So next year, I’d like to acknowledge my hard work and appreciate myself 🙂
Funny, but most of these resolutions still hold true for even 2015, especially the portion about self-care. I hope to take this up a notch this year. And I did sign up with my trainer again this year and have made it a point to spend more time with my friends and family. Happy 2015!
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.